Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Creating a Magnetic Music Word Wall

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As part of The ABCs of Music for Kids series, we are building a magnetic music word wall.  Okay, it's more of a freezer than a wall per se...

I am hoping that the magnetic music word wall will be a great way to reinforce the names of the different music concepts that we will be exploring.  And anything with letters is always a hit with either of the boys.  Also, J is now sounding out words instead of just reading primarily by sight, so these cards will be used as a way to practice his reading.  Another bonus is that these cards will use up some of my cardstock scraps.  Wahoo!

I first wrote the word xylophone in pencil on a strip of cardstock and found the corresponding letters in my giant collection of foam alphabet stickers.

Then J matched the letter stickers to the letters on the card and stuck the stickers on.  So this activity was also great for fine motor practice.

I then glued some magnet strips to the back of the card so that it would stick to our freezer.

Immediately after I stuck the word to the freezer, J started using his alphabet magnets to spell out the word xylophone again.


And then he insisted that I take a picture of his pluralized word.  So I figured I better blog about it too since he insisted!