Sunday, October 11, 2015

Halloween Cutting Activity

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Need Halloween fine motor activities for your preschoolers and toddlers? Try this super simple Halloween cutting activity tray.

Practicing scissor skills is important for kids to learn, so I like to vary up the materials that we cut from time to time. Doing so makes it more interesting for the kids, but also adds various challenges such as holding new materials steady while cutting or using more or less hand strength to cut. 

So when I found packs of Halloween themed mesh tubing at the dollar store, I knew it would make for a great Halloween cutting activity to work on fine motor skills.

Halloween cutting practice activity for preschoolers and toddlers

Fine Motor Halloween Activity: What You'll Need

For this fine motor Halloween cutting practice activity, we used:

  • Scissors

Occupational therapy fine motor Halloween activity

Halloween Cutting Practice for Kids

The tubing is certainly a different material to cut, one that neither of my boys had experimented with before. K struggled to get the hang of cutting it and often needed assistance. J, however, managed quite fine cutting his independently. But it was an exciting and unique fine motor activity for both of them.

Also, just a FYI: cutting this mesh tubing can get a bit messy as the tubing frays when cut.

Halloween cutting fine motor activity tray for kids

Halloween cutting practice scissor skills activity

You'll be left with lots of colorful little bits, as shown below, which would be a perfect Halloween sensory bin filler. The cut pieces are also fun to play with on their own because when you squish the ends down, it turns into a little spring. The boys got quite the giggle out of me shooting them around like springs.

Halloween cutting tray for kids

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Fine motor Halloween cutting activity for kids to practice scissor skills