Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Greeting Card Puzzles

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I dislike greeting cards for two main reasons.  One, they are expensive.  I personally cannot justify paying that kind of money for a card that most people probably only glance at before disposing of them.  Two, I never know what to do with them afterwards.  I hate throwing them away since I like reading what people have written inside and because sometimes the pictures on the front are just plain awesome.

Well, my husband's birthday just passed and we were left with some more greeting cards.  One, in particular, caught my eye and I knew that I could use it for something for the boys.

Recycle greeting cards by turning them into puzzles for toddlers and preschoolers from And Next Comes L

Just last week, it finally dawned on me what I could reuse greeting cards for: craft stick puzzles.  I have seen lots of craft stick puzzles while browsing for busy bag ideas, but I hadn't made one yet.  So why not use the front of a recycled greeting card as the picture for the puzzle?!

Here's how it turned out.  Dare I say it was a slam dunk?

Craft stick puzzles for kids made by recycling greeting cards from And Next Comes L

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Awesome, right?  Well, you can make one of your own too.

  • Recycled greeting card
  • Glue
  • Utility knife
  • Tape
  • Craft sticks
Line up all the craft sticks that you need.  Tape the sticks together to hold them in place.  Flip the sticks over and glue the greeting card to the sticks.  I cheated and used my Xyron Sticker Maker instead of using a glue stick.  Use the utility knife to cut the pieces of the puzzle and remove the tape.  And voila!

Want more busy bag ideas?  Check out these awesome busy bags or follow my Busy Bags board on Pinterest for even more fabulous ideas!

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