Monday, October 28, 2013

Learning Numbers With Wooden Train Tracks

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J is known for his ability to turn everything that he plays with into numbers or letters.  So it is not surprising that he came up with this activity all on his own.  I simply brought our wooden train set upstairs to play with while our new furnace was being installed in our basement.  This activity kept both boys busy for a good chunk of time and was great number practice for them as well.

Learning numbers with wooden train tracks from And Next Comes L

And please ignore my horribly dirty carpet in the pictures.  Like I said, the playroom was off limits due to a furnace install and our carpet has so many stains on it.  And I'm not one to edit pictures to make my carpet look pretty for the sake of a perfect photo.  I also think it plays in my favor...makes me look more human!  PS:  I totally hate cleaning.  It probably has to do with my growing up in a motel (see point #4 here) and spending my weekends cleaning up after other people.  In summary, disregard dirty carpets, please and thank you.

Carrying on...

J started assembling the train tracks into numbers instead of building a normal random track.  Once he made the number, he would drive the train along the tracks and K would happily follow suit.  Both boys would mumble the name of the number as they drove the train around their number track.  

Here's number 8 in action!

Tracing wooden train track numbers from And Next Comes L

Tracing wooden train track numbers from And Next Comes L

Number 8 made from wooden train tracks from And Next Comes L

Our train tracks are pretty basic so we don't have any fancy pieces that would successfully allow us to make numbers like 9.  The boys didn't seem to mind.  They still happily drove their trains around the number track even if it wasn't one fully connected track.

Driving a train on number 9 made from wooden train tracks from And Next Comes L

The boys worked together to make tracks for the numbers 1-11 before calling it quits.

Number 11 made from wooden train tracks from And Next Comes L

Looking for more train play?  Check out my Number Train Quiet Book Page.  Now, I'm no train expert, but if your kids love trains, please visit my friend Jessica's blog that is dedicated to all things train: Play Trains!  She comes up with some amazing ideas!

Learning numbers with wooden train tracks from And Next Comes L