Monday, October 21, 2013

Music Note Matching Light Table Activity

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Remember the music note sorting game that I made using glass stones and recycled containers?  Well, I decided to try those same materials out on the light table to practice some more music theory with J.  Plus, it's always fun to introduce a new element to an old game.  I simply set the bottles and glass stones on the light table and let J explore them at his own pace and it turned out be a wonderful music theory light table activity for kids.

Music note matching on the light table from And Next Comes L

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Music Theory Light Table Activity for Kids

Originally, he poured the glass stones back and forth from different containers, disregarding any of the music symbols presented to him.  He then moved onto picking up individual stones and placing them in the containers, again disregarding the music symbols.

J doing some music note matching on the light table from And Next Comes L

He then started to organize the music note stones into patterns.  He also often asked me which music notes were which and would repeat the name of the note after I told him what it was.

Close up of music note stones on the light table from And Next Comes L

Although he did get some music theory practice in, he never did match the stones with their corresponding container and that's okay.  He just wasn't interested in it at this time.

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Music note matching game on the light table from And Next Comes L