Monday, December 09, 2013

Washi Tape Christmas Ornaments

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Looking for homemade toddler friendly Christmas ornament ideas? Try making some of these washi tape Christmas ornaments!

Each year we try to make a new ornament to hang on the Christmas tree and this year the goal was to come up with an idea that both a toddler and a preschooler could make.

Now my kids love tape so I figured that would be a great place to start.

 The end result is these washi tape Christmas ornaments.

Washi tape ornaments made by kids

Washi Tape Christmas Ornaments for Kids

These homemade Christmas ornaments are a great craft for kids of all ages, even toddlers, especially if said toddlers enjoy tape as much as mine does. These ornaments are also a great way to work on fine motor skills!

As a bonus, the kids could make these ornaments to give as gifts.

To get the full tutorial for this craft, you'll have to head to CBC Parents.