Friday, May 16, 2014

Exploring Symmetry with Magna-Tiles

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We have fallen in love with Magna-Tiles at our house.  The boys have been playing with them daily for hours on end.  I decided to enhance J's play with them one day by adding a mirror to explore symmetry.

I set up a star shape with the Magna-Tiles as an invitation.  His first reaction was, "Oh it's a star!  Cool!"

Exploring symmetry with mirrors and Magna-Tiles from And Next Comes L

Simple Math Activity for Kids: Exploring Symmetry with Magna-Tiles

So J started putting some of different Magna-Tiles next to the mirror.  He then leaned the mirror back and forth to see how the reflections changed.

Exploring symmetry with mirrors and Magna-Tiles from And Next Comes L

Then in typical J fashion, he started creating numbers out of the Magna-Tiles.  Here he is with the number two (and its reflection as the number five).  J was curious about why the two turned into a five in the mirror's reflection.

Exploring symmetry with mirrors and Magna-Tiles from And Next Comes L

J continued to make more numbers, such as the number seven pictured below.

Exploring symmetry with mirrors and Magna-Tiles from And Next Comes L

This house or camel shaped design is actually the number 10.

Exploring symmetry with mirrors and Magna-Tiles from And Next Comes L

It's amazing how J can turn literally everything he sees and plays with into numbers!  What a kid!

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Simple mirror play for kids: exploring symmetry with Magna-Tiles from And Next Comes L