Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Messy Pretend Play with Lemon Play Dough

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Play dough is our go-to sensory activity for when I don't have any sensory activities planned or I need to keep the boys busy while cooking supper. That's why you will always find a bag of homemade play dough in our fridge. Recently I made lemon scented play dough, which ultimately led to this messy lemon meringue pie pretend play prompt.

Fine motor pretend play prompt for toddlers and preschoolers using lemon scented play dough and shaving cream from And Next Comes L

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For this play dough invitation, I set out:

Playing with play dough, using the rolling pin, and whisking are all great for fine motor development. Plus, the boys get to play with real kitchen utensils. Not that kitchen utensils have ever been off limits for them.

J preferred to roll the play dough, while K commanded the whisk.

Fine motor skills with lemon scented play dough pretend play invitation from And Next Comes L

Fine motor skills with lemon scented play dough pretend play invitation from And Next Comes L

Fine motor pretend play prompt for toddlers and preschoolers using lemon scented play dough and shaving cream from And Next Comes L

Now let's check on the progress of that meringue...ah, a stiff peak! Good whisking, K!

Fine motor skills with lemon scented play dough pretend play invitation from And Next Comes L

Then just like regular baking in our house, things got messy quickly.

Messy sensory play for toddlers and preschoolers with lemon scented play dough and shaving cream from And Next Comes L

Messy sensory play for toddlers and preschoolers with lemon scented play dough and shaving cream from And Next Comes L

Messy sensory play with lemon scented play dough and shaving cream from And Next Comes L

No pie was ever made, but it was a lot of fun to play with!

Be sure to check out these other shaving cream ideas:

Messy sensory play for kids with lemon scented play dough from And Next Comes L