Monday, September 08, 2014

Fall Math Activity Tray

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Looking for fall math activities for toddlers and preschoolers? Then try this simple fall math activity!

We are all about math and numbers in my house. That's what happens when you have a kid with hypernumeracy... 

As a result, we do a lot of playful math activities with loose parts. And, since the leaves are changing colors around here, we have been in full fall mode for our play activities. 

This no-prep fall math activity tray was the perfect way to explore counting, grouping, and color sorting for both of my boys.

Preschool fall math activity

Fall Math Activity for Kids

Here's what you'll need for this fall math activity tray:

  • 10 shower curtain rings or small cups

Fall leaves preschool math activity

Fall leaves preschool math activity

Toddlers & Preschoolers Will Love this Simple Fall Math Activity!

J sorted his leaves by color first. He noted that there were 10 of each color and promptly told me there were 40 leaves altogether.

Sorting leaves by color with a fall math activity tray

J then put out seven rings and practiced some grouping (and multiplying!). He put three leaves inside each of the shower curtain rings. "That's 21, mom!"

Practicing grouping with a fall math activity tray

K also attempted some grouping.

Toddler practicing grouping with a fall math activity tray

Toddler fall math activity

And he did manage to successfully group his leaves into groups of two, as you can see him starting to do here.

Toddler sorting and grouping leaves for a fall math activity tray

How's that for simple, meaningful math?

Other Fall Math Activities You'll Love