Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Learning About Fractions with Lego

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J has been interested in fractions like crazy lately. He has learned quite a bit by using the fractions quiet book page off and on over the past year and a half. So I wanted to explore this math concept with him in more detail by encouraging him to build fractions by himself using Lego Duplo. 

Lego fractions math tray for kids from And Next Comes L

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For this Lego fractions activity, we used:

I wanted to reinforce to J that fractions mean each piece of the whole is exactly identical in size. So I used Duplo bricks of the same color for each fraction. I then used a window marker to label each piece with a fraction.

Learning about fractions using Lego Duplo from And Next Comes L

As J assembled the Lego fractions, he was able to see how each piece of the whole looked identical in shape and color. He was also able to count each piece as he built the whole, which helped reinforced that six 1/6s make up a whole, for example. Or that he would need seven 1/7s to build a whole. It was a visual representation of understanding the denominator.

Building fractions with Lego Duplo from And Next Comes L

Want to learn more fractions? I've got a quiet book page for that! Check out the Fractions Quiet Book Page.

Learning about fractions using Lego Duplo from And Next Comes L