Monday, March 14, 2016

Sparkle Soap Foam Sensory Play

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When we need a quick and easy sensory activity for my kids, we always end up playing with soap foam. My kids just love the texture of it (so do I!) and it's really versatile. You can add all sorts of things to it, such as colors, scents, glitter, or other objects, to make an endless range of sensory bins. 

Since St. Patrick's Day was quickly approaching, I put together a St. Patrick's Day inspired sensory bin for the kids using green "sparkles" in the soap foam. However, it isn't specifically a St. Patrick's Day activity, simply because you could make the sparkles any color you wanted. We just chose green to go with the holiday.

Regardless, kids will love swirling their hands through this sparkle soap foam sensory bin.

Sparkle soap foam sensory bin for kids from And Next Comes L

Easy Sensory Bin for Kids: Make Sparkle Soap Foam!

For this sensory bin idea, we used:

Once your bin is filled with lots and lots of frothy soap bubbles, scatter the sequins throughout. It's so sparkly and gorgeous!

Sensory bin idea for kids: sparkle soap foam from And Next Comes L

Sensory bin idea for kids: sparkle soap foam from And Next Comes L

Naturally, the kids couldn't wait to dive in and swirl the bubbles around and around. The addition of the sequins gave the soap foam a neat texture.

Sensory play with sparkle soap foam for kids from And Next Comes L

Sensory play with sparkle soap foam for kids from And Next Comes L

The boys started scooping for the sequins since after awhile, they get buried underneath the soap. It isn't that easy to pick up the sequins! But it is certainly a good fine motor challenge for the kids.

Easy sensory bin idea for kids: sparkle soap foam from And Next Comes L

Easy sensory bin idea for kids: sparkle soap foam from And Next Comes L

See how the sequins hide under the soap?

Add sequins to soap foam for a fun sensory bin idea for kids from And Next Comes L

And sometimes you can find a sweet spot in the sensory bin to scoop up a big handful of sequins!

Add sequins to soap foam for a fun sensory bin idea for kids from And Next Comes L

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Sparkle soap foam sensory bin for kids from And Next Comes L