Wednesday, September 28, 2016

LEGO Emotion Drawing Activity for Kids

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We've been talking about emotions a lot in our house lately. Exploring them through play, introducing emotion vocabulary to expand beyond happy or sad or mad, and for some reason, using a lot of LEGO themed activities to do so. We use our LEGO emotions chart regularly and we play the LEGO emotion speech game often as well. And we've even searched for emotions with this free LEGO emotions I spy game.

But there has been this one idea floating around in my mind for quite a few months now. It's only now that I have brought this idea to life!

Here's how we have been exploring emotions with kids using LEGO.

LEGO emotion drawing prompt - a fun way for kids to explore emotions using LEGO from And Next Comes L

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LEGO Activity for Kids to Explore Emotions

This activity has been on my to do list for like forever and it worked just as well as I thought it would in my head. I love when that happens!

Here is what you'll need for this LEGO emotion drawing activity for kids:

Make a LEGO head using the LEGO DUPLO bricks and set it on a tray with some the LEGO head emotion cards and a dry erase marker. Optional: draw one of the emotions on the LEGO head before presenting the tray to your child.

LEGO activity for kids to explore emotions from And Next Comes L

I set this activity up for K, who just turned five, and he thought it was hilarious and fun! He started off by drawing happy. Like seriously, how cute is this little squished happy face?

LEGO activity for kids to explore emotions from And Next Comes L

Then he went through the rest of the cards, talking about little details like the eyebrows of the LEGO heads, while copying the expressions onto the LEGO heads. Drawing those details is a great way to work on fine motor skills while exploring and learning about emotions!

Emotion drawing prompt for kids using LEGO from And Next Comes L

Then he also explored his own emotions and experimented with drawing sharp pointy teeth on the LEGO head. It's kind of hard to see in the bottom picture because of the way the dry erase marker drew on (it was kind of faint). But he was ridiculously proud to show off his LEGO man with teeth!

Emotion drawing prompt for kids using LEGO from And Next Comes L

Emotion drawing prompt for kids using LEGO from And Next Comes L

Of course, don't forget to expand beyond the emotions that we covered and let your kids draw whatever they're feeling!

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LEGO emotion drawing prompt - a fun way for kids to explore emotions using LEGO from And Next Comes L