Monday, October 24, 2016

Free Printable Social Story About Wearing Glasses

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Looking for social stories? Then you'll love this free printable social story about wearing glasses. It's perfect for kids with autism.

Just before J's seventh birthday, we found out that he needed glasses. I was surprised that he needed them, to be honest, even though many people in my family, as well as my husband's, wear glasses.

J seemed excited to be able to wear glasses just like his daddy. Meanwhile, I was just hoping that he wouldn't misplace his glasses as often as his daddy does...just saying.

Now, I don't wear glasses myself, so it is uncharted territory for me too. So I wrote this free printable social story about wearing glasses for kids as a way to explain the new changes to J. It outlines the expectations about his glasses so that he can remember when to wear them and why he has to wear them.

Unfortunately, he just broke his glasses last week. Darn, right? But I figured it was bound to happen sooner or later, which is why I didn't purchase an expensive pair for him in the first place.

Free printable social story for kids with autism about wearing glasses

About The Free Printable Social Story

This social story explains why your child needs to wear glasses and when they need to wear them. It also explains how to care for the glasses.

I highly suggest laminating the social story for durability. You can use binder rings to keep the social story together or store it in a binder. As an alternative to laminating, you could use sheet protectors in a binder. Or if you find yourself printing off lots of social stories, then this binding machine is a lifesaver!

Free printable social story for kids with autism about wearing glasses

Download The Free Printable Wearing Glasses Social Story

This printable is 9 pages long and includes full color photos paired with the text. The text is pretty simple and talks about why your child needs to wear glasses and when.

To get a copy of this social story, click the link below:

>> Click here to download the social story


Free printable social story for kids with autism about wearing glasses