Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Hyperlexia Research & Journal Articles

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Hyperlexia research. For nerdy people like me. 

I am a research junkie. In particular, I love to read through academic and scentific journals about topics that interest me, including autism and hyperlexia.

Just the other week someone in my hyperlexia support group had a good chuckle about me reading an article about fMRI imaging and hyperlexia on a Saturday morning! See, totally nerdy!

So if you are interested in learning about hyperlexia through scientific research and academic journals, then you're in luck! There's 25+ research articles and studies below to read through. You know...in case you are a research nut like me or you need a little light bedtime reading.

Hyperlexia autism research articles

Learning About Hyperlexia Through Scientific Research & Academic Journals

The academic articles and research below are included for informational purposes only. Inclusion of the links below are not reflective of my opinions. In fact, I haven't even read most of these yet! So this list of articles is as much for me to read through as it is for you!

At the time of publishing this blog post, all links worked. If you come across any that don't work, then let me know in the comments so that I can keep this post up to date. All links will direct you to the full free PDF or text version of the article.

**This list was last updated on January 21, 2019.**

1. Case Histories in Hyperlexia by Silberberg & Silberberg (1968)

2. Hyperlexia by Kupperman et al. (1998)

5. A Study of Children with Hyperlexia by Huttenlocher & Huttenlocher (1973)

6. Hyperlexic Children Reading by Goldberg & Rothermel Jr. (1984) - looks like abstract only now

7. Hyperlexia, a Case Study by Ferreira (2013)

15. Annotation: Hyperlexia: Disability or Superability? by Grigorenko et al. (2003)

19. Hyperlexia & Dyslexia: Hitting a Moving Target by Williams & Casanova (2012)

21. Reading Comprehension in Autism Spectrum Disorders: The Role of Oral Language and Social Functioning by Ricketts et al. (2013)

22. Hyperlexia: Systematic review, neurocognitive modelling, and outcome by Ostrolenk et al. (2017)

23. A brief updated examination of the enigma of hyperlexia by Ng (2013)

24. Write away! Using written supports for children with hyperlexia (ASHA Presentation) by Jackson & Hancock (2008)

25. Stimulating basic recall in hyperlexic students using the Visualizing/Verbalizing Program from Truch (2004)

26. Comprehension in Children with Hyperlexia by Lester (2003)

27. Profile of hyperlexia: Reconciling conflicts through a systematic review and meta-analysis by Zhang & Joshi (2019)

28. Hyperlexia and Dyslexia in Autism: Hitting a Moving Target by Williams & Casanova (2012)

29. Veridical mapping in the development of exceptional autistic abilities by Mottron et al. (2013)

30. Brief Report: Implications of Hyperlexia in an Autistic Savant by Patti & Lupinetti (1993)

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