Friday, December 13, 2019

Christmas Gift Deep Breathing Exercise {Free Printable Poster Included!}

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Looking for some deep breathing exercises to teach the kids? Try this Christmas present themed technique and grab a copy of the free printable poster too!

I think we can agree that the most favorite part about Christmas for most kids is opening presents. Well, that and having a break from school...

But that change in routine and the sensory aspects involved with opening Christmas gifts can get a bit overwhelming for some kids. Some kids with anxiety and some autistic kids might get worked up about the unknown and uncertainly involved in seeing a bunch of wrapped gifts.

What's inside? How do I react if I don't like it? What if it's not what I asked for?

The questions swirl around in the anxious child's mind.

So when your kids are feeling anxious or overwhelmed by it all, try this deep breathing exercise. And be sure to grab a copy of the free printable poster so you can easily teach it to your kids.

Christmas themed breathing exercise for kids with free printable poster

A Simple Breathing Exercise for Kids with a Christmas Twist

Square breathing is a popular deep breathing technique to teach to kids, but obviously, since it's Christmas, I had to give it a Christmas twist!

This breathing exercise has four simple steps (one for each side of the square) and can be repeated as much as your child (or you!) needs to.

Free deep breathing printable for kids inspired by Christmas

About the Free Printable Christmas Deep Breathing Exercise Poster

This one page printable offers a simple deep breathing technique using a Christmas gift theme.

As for how to do the actual deep breathing technique, simply trace the outside of the Christmas present and follow the instructions. Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out. Rest. Repeat.

Download the Free Christmas Gift Deep Breathing Poster

This one page printable outlines how to use this deep breathing technique. It includes written instructions and visual guides/cues to help you or your child use the technique.

I highly recommend laminating the poster for durability. Then feel free to include it in a calm down kit or calm down corner.

To get a copy of this printable, click the link below:

>> Click here to download this free printable


Christmas gift deep breathing exercise for kids with free printable mindfulness poster