Saying Sorry Social Story

Printable social story for kids with autism about apologizing and how to say sorry

Social Story: Saying Sorry/Apologizing

A printable social story for kids about apologizing and how to say sorry!

This 10 page social story teaches kids about how to apologize and say sorry.

Like all social stories I write, full color photographs of real children are used instead of clipart. In my experience, full color photos are more relatable to autistic children, like my son, than clipart. Diverse children are included as much as possible so that every child feels represented. Written scripts are also given where needed to help provide the child with the language they need to be successful in the given social scenario.

*Note: This is a digital product.*


About this Printable Social Story

Here's what this social story covers:

  • A reminder that everyone makes mistakes and that we need to apologize when your mistakes hurt someone or something else

  • A reminder that hurting others can make you feel sad or upset

  • Why it's important to apologize and say sorry

  • What to say when apologizing
  • An example of how to give a good apology

  • Other times you might need to say sorry (e.g., a friend's dog dies)

  • How to position your body when apologizing
*Note: This is a digital product.*