Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Alphabet Sensory Bins: The Letter B

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Another alphabet sensory bin.  This one is all things letter B.

  • Beads
  • Bubble wrap
  • Balloons
  • Bunny ears
  • Bows
  • Blocks
  • Buttons
  • Large foam B
  • Small plastic B
The Invitation to Play
I set up this invitation to explore the letter B on the living room floor.  All three kids jumped in right away and my niece F quickly noticed that everything in the bin started with the letter B.  They each grabbed a balloon, which is exactly why I included three balloons and three pieces of bubble wrap.  I didn't want any fights breaking out because different kids wanted the same object.

Digging in after removing all the balloons.
Isn't K adorable?!
K examining the letter B.
J stacking some items.
Perhaps the most interesting items in the bin, though, were the beads.  Both F and J took turns scooping them up and dumping them.

A handful of beads.
Then J used the beads to form some letters...

Making letter T
Then F asked if she could have some string to make a necklace and a bracelet.  She wanted to make them for her mom and dad.  Great idea!

F stringing beads onto her necklace.
Monkey see, monkey do!  J had to give it a try too.
F showing off her necklace.
Sorry about the finger in the picture.  Just noticed it.
And to end off the sensory bin play time, J spent some time popping bubble wrap.  
