Sunday, April 21, 2013

Connect the Dots with Window Markers

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I have expressed my love for window markers before, but I will say it again.  I love window markers!  The possibilities are endless in terms of the activities we can do.  Our most recent activity was a connect the dots activity, inspired by J putting number stickers on the window.

  • Dot stickers
  • Permanent marker
  • Window markers
Label the dot stickers with numbers (or letters) using the permanent marker.  I then drew a shape, in this case a star, on a window using a window marker.  Next, I placed the numbered dot stickers along the drawing in numerical order.  I then erased the marker lines, leaving a nice connect the dot picture.

A connect the dot star.
A close up of the number stickers.  Notice our snowman?
It's the one we made here.
The Invitation to Play
I set up this activity for J, while K was napping.  J has enjoyed doing connect the dot activities in the past, so I figured that he would love this version.  And he did!  He just chose to do crazy squiggly lines instead of somewhat straight lines, so it didn't look like much once he was done.  Regardless, he practiced counting from 1-25.

Starting at one.
Drawing some squiggly lines between the numbers.
A close up of some of the squiggly lines.
Still going...
J working his way around the star.
Getting close to being done.
Just about finished!
J loves to use spray bottles for cleaning, so, as usual, the clean up was just as much fun.