Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Making Faces on the Light Table

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J and K have really been into making funny faces themselves, all thanks to my adorable niece who showed them how to pull their mouth wide with their fingers and stick out their tongue.  Good old fun I tell you!  So I took that love for funny faces and put it on the light table.  Yup, it's like Mr. Potato Head on the light table...just without the potato-shaped head.

And, seriously, how can you not giggle when you see fun cartoon faces like this?

Funny faces on the light table from And Next Comes L

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Light Table Activity for Kids: Making Funny Faces

To make some funny faces of your own, all you will need are some clear overhead transparencies, some colored permanent markers, and some imagination.  Oh and some scissors to cut the pieces to the appropriate sizes.

I drew a face shape, freehand of course because that's how I roll, and you can see it's kind of weirdly proportioned.  Whatever.  Like the boys even noticed.  Then I drew some face pieces and accessories: eyes, glasses, bow, mustaches, mouths, hair, etc.  Draw whatever you'd like.  Make it fun, colorful,and most importantly, goofy.  There may be a pig snout nose in my collection...

Funny faces play set for light table play from And Next Comes L

I assembled some funny faces ahead of time for the boys to check out, which made them giggle hysterically.  And honestly, I giggle every time I look at the picture below.  I think it's the mouth that does it.

Funny faces on the light table from And Next Comes L

Then J started making some faces of his own.  I particularly like how he is putting a mustache on the chin and that the nose is upside down.  Insert giggles from me.  Yes, I am a child at heart and things like this amuse me.

Adding a mouth to create funny faces on the light table from And Next Comes L

But the plump red lips just didn't work with what J had in mind.  So bucktooth smile it is.  Oh and some red glasses look pretty fine dandy too!

Adding a mouth to create funny faces on the light table from And Next Comes L

Now to pick out some hair...what will he choose?

J making funny faces on the light table from And Next Comes L

Nope, no hair.  Bald it is.  Looks great, doesn't it?  As for K, he enjoyed giggling while J assembled some funny facial masterpieces.

Siblings making funny faces on the light table together from And Next Comes L

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Making funny faces on the light table from And Next Comes L