*throws confetti into the air and starts dancing*
I can hardly believe that an entire year has passed. It has certainly been a whirlwind of a year. And honestly, I had no idea that my blog would grow like it did. As a result, I have to take the opportunity to thank the people that have helped to make this year unforgettable.
Thank You!
First, thank you to my absolute biggest fan, my husband, Josh. He reads my blog everyday and happily listens to me as I rave about my latest milestones or go on and on about my disappointments. He also helps me go through photos for the blog when I just can't decide which images to keep and which ones to get rid of. And he has been a trooper, helping me out with my crazy wild ideas. The most crazy of all being the homemade light bright tabletop. So to thank him I am going to fulfill my promise of writing about something extremely important to him. So...bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, BACON! Love you.
Of course, I should thank Randi and Sheila for
Then there's my best friend, Lisha. She's my biggest supporter on my Facebook page, which I am grateful for. In case you didn't know, Facebook is a jerk. Facebook likes to show my posts to only a very small percentage of my Facebook fans so every single like and comment that she has given me has been greatly appreciated.
Then there's the amazing women behind the following blogs that have been there to support, encourage, work together with, and laugh together with. I encourage you to visit every single one of their blogs because they are all incredibly talented. And because I'm anal, I have put them into a nice alphabetical list.
- Craftulate
- Fun at Home With Kids
- Happily Ever Mom
- House of Burke
- Lalymom
- Learn with Play at Home
- Still Playing School
- Teach Preschool
- Teaching 2 and 3 Year Olds
- Where Imagination Grows
And finally, I have to thank YOU, the reader. You have no idea how much I love reading your comments and emails. I also love to see pictures of when you try one of the ideas found on my blog. It's such a huge compliment!
Looking Ahead...
Now that I'm done my long list of overdue thank yous, I'd like to share what I'm looking forward to in my second year. After numerous requests, I will be starting to work on making printable templates for my felt board activities and quiet book pages. I also am planning to start including some of my non-kid crafts on to the blog. Mama's gotta craft too, right? It's something that I have been wanting to do for awhile now and I am excited to share what I've been up to!
And perhaps you've noticed my nice new blog design. I decided to start my second year of blogging with a complete overhaul and I am completely in love with the new look!
Now be nice and leave me a delightful little congratulatory message below. I really do enjoy reading your comments and I take the time to respond to each and every single comment on my blog! Don't make me celebrate alone...please.
Okay, now I'm off to eat some virtual cake.