Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Free Printable Winter Themed Comprehension Language Prompts

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Free printable winter themed comprehension and WH questions language prompts for kids with hyperlexia or autism.

My hyperlexic son needs extra help with comprehension so I'm always looking for new ways to work on helping him understand what he reads and hears. This free printable comprehension language prompts pack focuses on a variety of skills that will help aid in his comprehension, including answering WH questions and making inferences.

And since winter is fierce right now (hello, yet again minus -40 C temps!), I decided to put together a winter themed set of prompts for him.

Free printable comprehension & WH questions language prompts for kids with hyperlexia or autism

About these Free Printable Comprehension Language Prompts

This set of language prompts is designed to help your child practice:

  • Describing what they see in the picture
  • Responding to questions about the picture
  • Putting their thoughts into words
  • Following directions
  • Pointing to objects in the picture when asked
  • Counting objects in the picture
  • Understanding what is asked of them
  • Scanning visually for objects
  • Answering WH questions
  • Making inferences
  • Explaining why they make those inferences

This pack of language prompts contains five pictures and a set of prompts to go with each picture. There are four sections of prompts for each picture:

  1. Describe the scene
  2. Search and find
  3. Answer WH questions
  4. Make inferences

How to Use these Comprehension Language Prompts

To use these prompts, simply pick one of the pictures from the pack and show it to your child. Then simply work your way through the coordinating prompts sheet to help your child describe, search, answer, and infer. I recommend using the order given on the prompts page, but you certainly don't have to go in that order.

Download the Free Printable Comprehension Language Prompts

This free printable comprehension language prompts is 12 pages long, including a cover page, information about the printable pack, and five pictures with their own set of prompts. Each picture features something winter related.

To get a copy of this printable, click the link below:

>> Click here to download the free printable


Want More Comprehension Language Prompts?

You'll find even more topics in the big pack of comprehension language prompts!

Pack of comprehension language prompts

Click here to get your copy of the comprehension language prompts pack

Free printable comprehension & WH questions language prompts for kids with hyperlexia or autism