Thursday, April 04, 2019

Free Printable Emotions Dice Game

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Teach your kids how to talk about their emotions and feelings using this free printable emotions dice game.

We're big into talking about emotions lately.

Yep, we're those weirdos that loudly proclaim how we are feeling, why, and how we can tell we're feeling that way when in front of our kids. It's all part of our efforts to show our kids how to identify our emotions and express them.

To help them build an emotional vocabulary.

And to show them that we all feel negative emotions too.

It's a way for us to model healthy ways to cope with those big feelings.

We supplement all those verbal exchanges and modeling with fun activities, like this free printable emotions dice set. It's a great way to get the conversation going about different emotions, what they look like, and how to cope or manage those emotions.

Free printable emotions dice game for kids

About the Free Printable Emotions Dice Game

This printable includes three dice: one with prompts and two dice with emotion words. Both emotion words dice include a mixture of positive and negative emotions.

To play, you'll use only one of the two emotion words dice.

Simply roll the emotion words dice and the one with the prompts. Then answer the prompt you rolled using whatever emotion was rolled on the other die.

So for example, if you roll "Name one thing you can say when you feel this emotion" and "tired," then you could answer the prompt by saying, "I'm so tired!" or "I'm exhausted!"

Download this Emotions Dice Game

This printable has three pages containing three dice to print and fold. The first die has prompts for talking about different emotions, while the other two dice have emotion words written on each side.

To get your copy of this printable, click the link below:

>> Click here to download the free printable


Looking for Other Ways to Teach Emotions? Grab these Emotion Cards!

Go one step further and use these full color emotion cards to help kids learn about their feelings and emotions. You can even print them off and turn them into a matching game!

Emotion cards for kids

Click here to get your set of emotion cards

Free printable emotions dice game for kids