Wednesday, April 03, 2019

A Simple Reminder About Parent Guilt

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All parents experience parent guilt or mom guilt at some point. This simple reminder is for you.

An important reminder about mom guilt or parent guilt

I think every parent encounters feelings of guilt at some point. We all ask ourselves questions like:

Am I doing enough for my child?

Am I failing my child?

Am I giving all of my children equal amounts of attention?

This list goes on.

Sometimes we know we need help, but sometimes we feel guilty asking for said help. This is something that I really struggle with.

So instead ask yourself this question: are my kids happy right now in this moment?

If yes, then you are doing enough. And no, you are not failing your children.

As hard as parenting can be, you've got this! You just need to reframe the questions and your expectations first.

**This post was originally shared on my Instagram account on March 15, 2019.** 
Click here to see the original post.

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An important reminder about mom guilt or parent guilt