Tuesday, May 14, 2019

15 Awesome Trampoline Games the Kids Will Love

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Looking for fun games to play on a trampoline? Try one of these fun outdoor trampoline games for kids!

I have a sensory seeking kid who likes to jump all the time. So investing in a trampoline was a no-brainer for us. After all, trampoline jumping is a great way to burn off energy! And okay, okay we have two trampolines. A big one in our backyard and a mini one for indoor use.

Both of my kids enjoy trampoline time all year round. We jump when there's snow. We jump when there's rain. We jump when it's sunny. For us, it doesn't matter what the weather is when it comes to trampoline fun.

Here are 15 super fun trampoline games that kids of all ages (yes, even that child within you!) will love.

Fun trampoline games for kids & teens

But First...A Disclaimer for These Outdoor Trampoline Games

Use common sense and adult supervision when playing these entertaining trampoline games. Seriously, I cannot stress this enough: I am not responsible for any injuries that result from playing the games listed below. Use these games at your own discretion.

Ideally, you want to use a trampoline with a net, but if you are still rocking an old school trampoline like we are, then you can try this trampoline safety hack to help make your trampoline a wee bit safer.

Fun Trampoline Games

Here are some of our favorite trampoline games, including some of those classic trampoline games that you probably played as a kid. I know I did!

1. Crack the Egg Game (aka Pop the Popcorn) Trampoline Jumping

Here's a popular trampoline game that I bet you played as a child. One person sits in the middle of the trampoline, pulls their legs tight to their body, and holds their legs with their arms, pretending to be an egg. Everyone else jumps to try and get the egg to crack (i.e., they let go of their legs).

2. Slithering Snake - A Trampoline Favorite for my Boys!

This game needs at least three people and a skipping rope. Two people hold onto one end of the jump rope and wiggle it along the middle of the trampoline so it looks like a slithering snake. The other person tries to jump over the jump rope snake. If they touch it, then they lose!

Slithering snake is a great trampoline game that always gets my boys laughing. But, for a fun variant, try moving the jump rope up and down, instead of side to side, to create waves or flames for the person to jump over.

3. Poison - An Easy Trampoline Ball Game

You'll need as many balls as you can find for this classic trampoline ball game. Add them to the trampoline and start jumping. Here's the catch though...the balls are poison and you have to try and avoid them. When a ball touches you, you're out. The last person standing wins!

4. Four Corners - A Trampoline Version of Four Squares

I remember playing this awesome trampoline game a lot as a kid. I also remember it being the game where I got a black eye in grade four...ah, memories!

This game works well if you happen to have a rectangular trampoline or a square trampoline, but since most people have round or oval trampolines, you might need some chalk for this game. Divide the trampoline into four zones by drawing chalk lines for each zone on the trampoline.

The person designated as "it" stands in the middle of the trampoline with their eyes closed and counts to 10. All the other players walk or jump around the entire trampoline and eventually pick a corner to stand in. When the person who is it says the number 10, everyone freezes and stops moving. With their eyes still closed, the person who is it will point to a corner. Whoever is standing in that corner is out of the game.

5. Horse Style Trampoline Game

If you are familiar with the basketball game horse, then this game is tons of fun to play. One person performs a trick (e.g., a butt stomp, a spin jump, etc.). Then the other players try to copycat and perform the trick themselves. If they can't do the trick, they get an H, then on subsequent turns, O-R-S-E. If you spell HORSE, then you're out of the game.

6. Telephone Style Trampoline Game

Everyone sits at the edge of the trampoline. One person performs a trampoline trick and then sits back down. The next person does the same trick and then adds a trick of their own. Then the next player performs the previous two tricks and adds another. Keep repeating this sequence until someone messes up the sequence of tricks. Whoever messes up the sequence is out of the game. Continue playing until there is only one player standing.

7. Bum Wars - A Trampoline Favorite!

This awesome trampoline game starts with everyone bouncing away until someone chants, "1, 2, 3, 4, I declare a bum war!" All players immediately do a butt bounce and try to land on their feet afterwards. However, you can only jump on your feet once. If you double jump, then you're out!

8. One, Two, Three, Sit! Trampoline Activity

For this game, everyone stands in a circle on the trampoline. One person says, "1, 2, 3, 4, sit!" When the person says sit, everyone sits down on the trampoline at the same time. This is one of those trampoline games were the kids will argue over who was the first and last to sit down.

9. Pool Noodle Trampoline Games

Grab some pool noodles and try a few of these pool noodle trampoline games.

  • Have a pool noodle sword fight and show off your best trampoline moves as you dodge your opponent's pool noodle - such a simple trampoline activity!
  • Play the poison trampoline ball game mentioned above, but use pool noodles instead
  • Play the classic trampoline slithering snake (described above), but this time wiggle a pool noodle back and forth instead of a skipping rope. For added fun, you could try doing a trampoline trick such as a flip as you jump over it.

10. Trampoline Hot Potato

You'll need one soft ball for this game. A water balloon also works! A player is designated as "it" and stands on the ground while everyone else stays on the trampoline. The person who is "it" throws the ball at the players on the trampoline. The people on the trampoline have to try and catch the ball. If a person drops the ball, gets hit by it, or stops jumping, they are out. Keep playing until there is only one player standing.

Even More Awesome Trampoline Game Ideas & Activities for Kids

Here are some of our other favorite ways to play on the trampoline, but aren't necessarily "trampoline games" per se.

1. Sprinkler Trampoline Jumping

Sprinkler jumping is a great way to cool off on a hot summer day. Simply, grab your swimsuit, put a sprinkler on underneath the trampoline, and start jumping. Please note that the entire trampoline gets extremely slippery when wet so please be careful with this activity.

2. Chalk Drawing - Turn the Entire Trampoline into a Work of Art!

My kids love to draw on the trampoline using chalk. It washes off easily with some water or during a rain shower. You can even draw games on the trampoline using the chalk like we did for this trampoline time telling game for kids.

3. Trampoline Basketball

This activity is a pretty much a daily occurrence for my kids. We pull their adjustable plastic basketball hoop right to the edge of the trampoline and let them jump and slam dunk to their heart's content. This game is easily my kids' favorite trampoline ball game.

4. Jumping with Water Balloons - One of the Best Trampoline Games for Hot Summer Days!

My kids absolutely love this activity! It's like a game of trampoline hot potato, but with water balloons instead of balls. Simply blow up some water balloons, put them on the trampoline, and start jumping. Watch the balloons pop and explode as they bounce. Again, the trampoline will get super wet so please be careful with this activity.

5. Snow Jumping - Trampoline Fun for Winter Time!

Trampolines aren't just for summer you know...head outside in the winter after a fresh snowfall to try some snow jumping. It's a lot of fun! Please note it does get slippery on the trampoline when there's snow so again, use your discretion.

Which of these trampoline games are you going to try first?

Other Fun Trampoline Activity Ideas You'll Love

Time Telling Trampoline Games

Pool Noodle Trampoline Safety Hack

Fun trampoline games for kids & teens