Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Best Alphabet School Lunch Ideas for Kids with Hyperlexia

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Need ideas for school lunch ideas that will appeal to your hyperlexic child? These alphabet school lunch ideas are a perfect for the ABC loving and letter obsessed kid in your life.

To hyperlexic children, letters are life.

And many parents of these kids have found it helpful to include their love for the alphabet into mealtimes to encourage them to eat more or even eat healthier.

But how about at school?

Well, here are some awesome ways to make epic alphabet themed school lunches for kids.

School lunch ideas for kids who love the alphabet

Make School Lunches Amazing with these Awesome Alphabet Tips & Tools

If your hyperlexic child is obsessed with letters like most hyperlexic kids are, then you'll be interested in using these ideas to step up your lunchtime game, either at school or at home. Here are some tips and ideas to try:

1. Pack your child's lunch in an alphabet lunch box or bag

  • This space ABC lunch bag looks fun, but your kid might get annoyed that letters B and C are cut off.
2. Keep foods like alphabet soup warm in an alphabet thermos

3. Use alphabet snack bags to hold ABC shaped snacks, cut up fruit, and more

4. Turn any type of food into letters with some alphabet cookie cutters

5. Write cool messages on your child's food using an edible ink pen (use as a special treat as this isn't exactly healthy) or alphabet cookie stamps 

6. Include some alphabet snacks for them to munch on 

Alphabet School Lunch Ideas for Hyperlexic Kids

Here are some creative ideas and resources that'll inspired you to make some seriously epic alphabet lunches for your kids.

1. Alphabet Stamped Messages from Hungry Happenings (pictured)

2. Free Animal Alphabet Lunchbox Notes from Eats Amazing (pictured)

3. Alphabet Bento Lunches for Every Letter of the Alphabet from Eats Amazing

4. Free Printable Alphabet Lunch Notes & Ideas for Making Letter Themed Lunches from Munchkinds & Moms

5. DIY Alphabet Crackers from Kids Activities Blog (pictured)

6. Lunchbox Words from Art Bar

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Alphabet school lunch ideas for kids