Wednesday, December 01, 2021

Free Printable Snowflake Themed I Feel When Cards

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Looking for a way to work on emotions with your kids this winter? Try this set of free printable snowflake themed I feel when cards with adorable snowflake emojis. They're a great way to get kids talking about their feelings.

I think it's incredibly important to normalize talking about emotions and feelings, not only as adults, but for kids too. 

So I think it's a good idea to start teaching kids early on that's all feelings are valid and normal. And that's it perfectly okay to express those feelings with and around others. 

Obviously within reasons...I'm not saying they should hit people when they're feeling angry or anything. Instead, I think it's awesome if they feel comfortable enough to say "I feel angry right now" out loud. That's a big deal.

But getting kids to open up about their feelings and emotions can be tricky. 

Hopefully, though, these snowflake themed I feel when cards will be a great way to get the conversation started. You can grab the free printable below.

Free printable snowflake themed emotions I feel when cards for kids - a great way to get kids talking about their emotions

About these Snowflake Themed I Feel When Cards

These I feel when cards feature 8 different emotions: happy, sad, surprised, calm, angry, excited, bored, and frustrated. Each card features a phrase with the written emotion word and a snowflake emoji. So for example, there is a card with a snowflake emoji showing what happy looks like. Above that it says "I feel happy when..."

The idea of these cards is to encourage kids to think about when they feel a certain way and to open up about it. So they're like conversation starters or prompts designed to get kids opening up about their feelings.

You can use them however you'd like, but the general idea is to draw a card, read what it says, and then talk about a time you might have felt that way. You might talk about the situation, the way your body felt, whether or not it's something that occurs frequently, and so on.

I highly recommend laminating these I feel when cards for durability. Here's the laminator I use and love.

Download the Free Printable I Feel When Cards

This one page printable includes eight I feel when cards. Each card has an adorable snowflake emoji paired the phrase "I feel ___ when..." and a specific emotion.

To get a copy of this printable, click the link below:

>> Click here to download this free printable


Want More Ideas for Teaching Emotions? Try this Snowflake Themed Printable Pack!

This printable is a free sample from the Snowflake Themed Emotions Pack. If you love this activity and this theme, then grab a copy of the full emotions pack below.

Snowflake Themed Emotions Pack for Kids

Get your copy of the Snowflake Themed Emotions Pack

Free printable snowflake themed emotions I feel when cards for kids - a great way to get kids talking about their emotions