Sunday, April 14, 2024

The Benefits of Swinging for Kids

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What are the benefits of a sensory swing? Well, let's take a look at the benefits of swinging for kids, especially in terms of sensory integration.

One of the best things I ever did as a parent was install a swing in our basement for our kids (see how we installed it here). Especially given how long and cold our winters can be here in Saskatchewan. But I also installed it because of the benefits that swinging has for kids.

See, my oldest was a sensory seeker (more on that here), constantly seeking out vestibular and proprioceptive sensory input. That is, he loved to spin, swing, hang upside down, and be squeezed.

So, swinging just seemed like a great way to meet his sensory needs. It's why I also made a few DIY sensory swings for him.

But what are the benefits of using a sensory swing? And is it worth installing a swing in your house or sensory room or should you invest in an outdoor swing set?

Well, let's find out by taking a closer look at the benefits of swinging for kids.

The benefits of swinging for kids

The Benefits of Swinging for Kids

Whether you plan to install a swing indoors like we did, set up an outdoor swing set in your backyard, or visit a local playground, swinging is a great activity for kids. Here are some of the benefits:

  • Helps with processing & organizing sensory information
  • Provides sensory input (especially vestibular)
  • Has a calming and soothing effect
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Helps with self-regulation
  • Improves focus, attention, and concentration
  • Allows for a variety of movements (e.g., vertical, rotational, linear)
  • Allows for variation in intensity of movements (e.g., slow, spinning fast, swinging high)
  • Strengthens various muscle groups
  • Improves muscle tone
  • Develops motor skills, balance, and coordination
  • Promotes exercise
  • Builds social skills & promotes bonding
  • Improves body awareness
  • Improves spatial awareness
  • Burns off excess energy
  • Accessible (i.e., swinging is great for kids of all ages, abilities, and skill levels)
  • Can provide deep pressure (depending on the type of swing)
  • Easy to customize & tailor to individual needs (i.e., you can adjust things like height, speed, duration)
  • It's fun and engaging!

As you can see from this list, swings can be such a great versatile tool for kids of all ages and abilities. They also provide a lot of benefits in terms of regulation, sensory integration, and motor skills development. They can be comforting and soothing to many (if not all!) kids.

The benefits of swinging for kids and why you might want to use a sensory swing

Some Final Notes on the Benefits of Using a Sensory Swing

It's worth noting that swings come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and types, making it easy to fit your child's needs. Think gymnastic rings, platform swings, fabric ones, disc swings...there are so many options!

On top of that, swings offer so many varied movements and levels of intensity. You can swing slowly and rhythmically. You can spin super quickly. You can hang upside down while you swing or lay on your stomach and play catch while swinging. All of these possibilities make it easier to fit your child's sensory needs.

Swings are versatile and can be customized to fit your child's sensory needs

Seriously, there are so many benefits of swinging for kids!

The benefits of swinging for kids and why you might want to use a sensory swing

The benefits of swinging for kids