Sunday, March 03, 2013

Tube Shots

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I can only imagine what might cross one's mind when reading the words "tube shots" in a blog about raising kids.  Just to clarify, I have not been drinking shots with my children.

Tube shots are tall, slender plastic shot glasses that resemble test tubes.

I came across these at the dollar store over a year and a half ago when I was searching for colorful, translucent objects to use on our newly purchased light box.  They look wonderful when used on the light box.  However, they were only used on the light box for a very brief period of time before J began to build with them, noticing that they could fit together to make a tall tower or sword if you swung it around.

A few have gone missing or have broken over the past year and half, but there are still enough kicking around to be played with.  Both boys enjoy playing with these so much that numerous fights have occurred because so and so wanted a green one or pink one or that one over there...

Usually, the boys build a tall tower.  Then they usually stick the tower into the center of the puzzle ottoman in the playroom.

Then they play with it in interesting ways.

Then J, of course, figures out a way to form numbers like the number 8.

And 10...

And all the way up to 43 before stopping.

I spent $1 on these tube shots and look at all the creative ways the boys have found to play with them, all of which were different than what I had intended them to be for.