Monday, August 27, 2018

15 Back to School Tips for Autistic Kids

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Fifteen awesome back to school tips for getting your autistic child ready for school.

We are just a week away from starting school and, thankfully, my boys are excited to return to school.

Last year, though, was a completely different story.

After a horrible school experience, it was difficult to ease my son's worries and anxiety about returning to school for another year. However, with lots of preparation and a strong routine, the transition back to school went fairly smoothly.

Now perhaps your child is in the same boat, anxious about heading back to school. 

Or maybe they are starting at a new school and that's terrifying for them. 

Or maybe it's even their first year of school and they're nervous because they don't know what to expect.

Regardless of what stage your autistic child is at, these back to school tips will help prepare your autistic child for starting a new school year.

Autism and schooling: tips for back to school for autistic kids and their parents

Autism & Schools: Tips for Getting Your Autistic Child Ready for School

From social stories about going to school to tips on how to prepare your child for the classroom itself, these 15 back to school tips are incredibly helpful. These tips will:

  • Reduce anxiety about the new school year
  • Make the transition back to school go as smooth as possible
  • Help ensure your child gets the support they need in the classroom
  • Establish predictable routines to help your child thrive

I'm sharing all of these back to school tips over on CBC Parents.

{Read all the back to school tips on CBC Parents!}

Autism and schools: 15 awesome back to school tips for autistic kids and their parents