Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Free IEP Resources for Parents

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Get ready to rock your child's IEP meetings with these helpful and  free IEP resources for parents.

Advocating for your child can be exhausting and many parents - not just you - find the whole IEP process stressful, overwhelming, and maybe even frustrating.

There's multiple meetings, loads of paperwork, and probably a handful of face palm moments in between.

But getting the services your child needs and deserves requires a lot of advocating on your part. And it's worth it if you work together and collaborate with the IEP team. Putting together an IEP binder or toolkit of your own can be a great way to get a head start on the whole IEP process as you head into a new school year.

I already mentioned the paperwork, right?

So it's best to be organized!

You may find it helpful to have some kind of filing system in place. Or you might find having a binder to keep it all handy is just what you need. You could even try using a pre-made IEP organizer to save you the time and energy of putting your own together, if you can find one you like.

Regardless of what you choose, it's really about finding what is right for your family. And I hope you will find these free IEP resources for parents below helpful, either to use or as inspiration for creating something that fits your family.

Put together your own IEP toolkit with these free IEP binder printables

Free IEP Binder Printables & IEP Resources

You can use these free IEP resources to put together your own IEP binder to hopefully make the whole process go a bit smoother. Let's take a look at these freebies first, shall we?

1. IEP Toolkit from Parenting Chaos

2. IEP Meeting Checklist from A Day in Our Shoes

3. Sensory Accommodations for IEPs from A Day in Our Shoes

4. IEP Vision Statment from A Day in Our Shoes

5. IEP Goal Tracker from Understood

7. IEP Binder Checklist from Understood

8. IEP Accommodations & Modifications Quick Sheet from Special Education Guru on Teachers Pay Teachers

9. IEP at a Glance Sheet from Sublime Speech on Teachers Pay Teachers

10. IEP Snapshot from School Bells N Whistles on Teachers Pay Teachers

11. IEP at a Glance Sheet from PamelaSLP on Teachers Pay Teachers

12. IEP Cheat Sheet from Kindergarten Days on Teachers Pay Teachers

13. IEP at a Glance (Editable) from Teaching Differently on Teachers Pay Teachers

14. IEP at a Quick Glance from The Teacher Tattles on Teachers Pay Teachers

Other IEP Resources & Advocacy Tips You'll Love

Looking for IEP resources for parents? Try these free IEP binder printables and put together your own toolkit.