Monday, June 15, 2020

DIY Book Storage Ideas for Kids

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Need book storage ideas for all of those children's books? Here are some creative DIY ideas for book storage for kids.

When you have a hyperlexic child, not only do you amass a large collection of alphabet magnets and letter toys, but you also tend to end up with a huge amount of books, whether it's ones you own, ones you borrow from the library, or a combination of the two.

We often have piles of books laying on the floor in various spots around the house simply because we don't have enough room to store all of them in one place.

So if you feel like you're running out of book storage space, these storage ideas for books will give you some inspiration for how to revamp your spaces, rotate your child's books regularly, and more.

And they're might just be a geography shaped bookshelf idea on this list that would be particularly appealing to hyperlexic kids...although you might have to be a bit more crafty than I am with a saw.

Spice up your kids' reading corners with these DIY book storage ideas

Use Book Rotation to Keep Books Organized & Fresh!

When you have a lot of books, it can be nearly impossible to find enough book storage space in your child's room or in a playroom, but one helpful solution is to rotate books.

Rotating books on your child's shelves is not only a great storage solution, but it is also a great way to keep books fresh and interesting for your child. It means you can keep a small bookshelf in your child's room, while still providing your child with a lot of variety.

I personally like the idea of rotating books based on your child's interests from The Kavanaugh Report instead of rotating on a set schedule or time, especially since hyperlexic kid's interests are often quite clear, obvious, and well, oftentimes, intense.

Trust me, those hyperlexic kids will move on from their intense alphabet phase eventually. Then your bookshelves will be filled with books about periodic tables, outer space, human anatomy, dinosaurs...By the way, here are 70+ hyperlexic kid approved books to consider as part of your book rotation.

If you're ready to try book rotation, here are some great tips on how to keep books organized and ready to use for book rotation in your home from Growing Book by Book.

DIY Book Storage Ideas

Whether book rotation is for you or not, if you have bookworms like I do, you'll quickly find that you are constantly running out of book storage space. Piles of books are everywhere.

Besides, some days I feel like I can't get rid of any books because my kids still enjoy reading all of them. I mean how can I possibly get rid of the Elephant and Piggie books or the Pigeon books?! Those books are still so much fun to read with my kids.

While some of the ideas below might not be ideal on their own if you have a rather large collection of books, you could certainly mix and match a lot of them to really maximize your space.

Let's dig into those creative book storage ideas, okay?

1. DIY Book Bin from Les Petits Gazette (pictured)

2. DIY Crate Bookcase from Maison de Pax (pictured)

3. DIY Floating Bookshelves from Angela Marie Made

4. DIY Kids Book Sling (That You Can Make in 10 Minutes) from Grillo Designs

5. Vertical Corner Bookshelf & Tetris Bookshelves (scroll down) from Home Made Our Way (pictured)

6. DIY Fabric Hanging Book Display from Penny Carnival

7. How to Expand a Shoe Organizer to Hold Books from Moms & Crafters

8. DIY Corner Gutter Bookshelves from Sunshine on the Inside

9. Floating Crate Book Storage from I Heart Organizing

10. How to Make a Book Bin from Better Homes & Gardens

If you're feeling really ambitious and your kids are really into geography (like a lot of hyperlexic kids are!), then this might be a fun idea to attempt:

11. USA Bookshelf Tutorial from Pipeline

Other Ideas for Book Storage

I decided to lump these ideas into a different section because they really are space dependent.

For instance, one of the ideas below only works if you have a large space or spare room in your house. And the other ideas in this section are great if space is an issue so you're looking for multi-use storage and furniture solutions (i.e., it can store books, but also be used for another purpose).

1. How to Build an Awesome Reading Nook with Book Storage from Instructables

2. DIY Book Storage Bed Frame from IKEA Hackers

3. Transform a Bedroom into a Home Library & Decorate with Books from Craft & Creativity

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