Sensory Chewing Resources: Supporting Kids Who Chew on Everything

Wondering why your child is chewing on things? Well, here's a guide to sensory chewing resources and how to support kids who chew on everything.

If you have ever noticed your child chewing on their hands or their clothes, then it's likely you have an oral sensory seeker. Or, in more plain English, a kid who chews on everything.

I mean every week there are parents just like you who end up on my blog because they've searched something like:

  • Why is my toddler chewing on everything even though they're not teething?
  • My 7 year old is chewing on everything
  • Why does my child chew on everything?
  • Why is my kid chewing his shirt?
  • Why is my child chewing hair?

Whether they are chewing on hair, their shirt sleeves, shirt collars, or even just their fingers, there are things you can do to help support your child. I know because I, too, have a kid who chews on literally everything.

I know you're tired of dealing with soaking wet clothing and chewed up toys. So, here are some resources to help you better understand why kids are chewing on things and how you can help them find alternatives to chewing on their hands, hair, or shirts.

So, let's get to those sensory chewing resources, shall we?

Sensory chewing resources for supporting kids who chew on everything and are oral sensory seekers

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Understanding Oral Sensory Seeking Behaviors

Chewing on things beyond the teething years is common for many kids with autism or sensory processing differences. It can actually be considered a form of stimming! So, the resources below will help you understand what stimming is, as well as the reasons why your kid chews on everything.

You'll also find some resources to help you better understand sensory processing and sensory needs. After all, chewing meets your child's sensory needs (proprioceptive and oral motor) and helps them regulate. So getting a better understanding of what sensory processing is can be super helpful when it comes to understanding sensory chewing behaviors.

I've also included a free social story about chewing that's perfect for supporting your little oral sensory seeker! They'll get a better understanding of why they chew and what's okay and not okay to chew on.

Sensory Chewing Strategies to Try with Kids Who Chew on Everything

Now that you have a better understanding of your child's need to chew, stimming, and some sensory processing basics, let's talk about some strategies that you can try.

  • Provide chewable necklaces, jewelry, pencil toppers, toys, or similar
  • Create a sensory diet to meet your child's sensory needs
  • Offer lots of deep pressure or heavy work activities to meet their proprioceptive sensory needs
  • Try some oral sensory seeking activities and exercises (e.g., blowing bubbles)
  • Incorporate a variety of food textures during the day
  • Offer straws for drinking

Keep in mind, this list is not exhaustive. You can find more ideas and suggestions here.

Examples sensory chewing strategies for kids who chew on everything

Meet Sensory Chewing Needs with Chewelry: Reviews & DIY Options

One of the easiest and best ways to help kids who chew is to invest in some good quality chewelry or chewable jewelry.

There are tons of options available when it comes to chewelry. And my son has put maaaaaany chews through his aggressive chew test over the years. So, below you'll find reviews of our favorite chewable sensory necklaces. And if you're in Canada, you can save 10% on the Chewigem Canada website when you use coupon code ANCL10

Sometimes, though, your child likes to chew on clothing and it can be hard to find a suitable alternative to buy that meets that need. Well, that's where it might make sense to make a DIY chewable option, which you'll also be able to find below.

Fun Oral Sensory Seeking Activities

Supplying your kid with chewelry isn't the only thing you can do to make sure you meet your child's oral sensory needs. You can also try using snacks that provide lots of different textures or by doing some fun activities. Here are some ideas to try.

After browsing through these sensory chewing resources, you should have a better understanding of why your child chews and have ideas for how to support them.

Sensory chewing resources for supporting kids who chew on everything and are oral sensory seekers