Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Free Social Story for Teaching WH Questions

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Wondering how to teach WH questions to kids? Then you'll love this free social story for teaching WH questions to hyperlexic and autistic kids!

Many hyperlexic kids find WH questions hard to answer.

In Hyperlexia: Therapy that Works, it is suggested that "Wh- questions...need to be specifically taught using written and verbal prompts and scripts."

Which is why I thought I'd put together this handy dandy social story. It teaches WH questions specifically and uses written prompts, which plays to the strength of hyperlexic kids. Remember, when it comes to hyperlexic kids, write it out because reading is their strength.

While understanding how WH questions work is just one tiny piece that goes into helping with the comprehension struggles that are common in hyperlexia, it is a great first step to take.

It is also important to note that there are many skills that go into WH questions, such as understanding what you're being asked and then giving answers that make sense. This free social story dives into these aspects and is a great way to go about teaching WH questions to your hyperlexic child.

Free social story for teaching about WH questions

How to Teach WH Questions with this Free Social Story

This social story is all about WH questions. Specifically, about how to teach WH questions and what kinds of information these questions are asking for. It gives examples of each question and how to respond.

I highly suggest laminating the social story for durability. You can use binder rings to keep the social story together or store it in a binder. As an alternative to laminating, you could use sheet protectors in a binder. Or if you find yourself printing off lots of social stories, then this binding machine is a lifesaver!

Need activities for teaching WH questions to kids with hyperlexia or autism? Try this free social story!

Download the Free Printable Social Story for Teaching WH Questions

This printable is 15 pages long and includes full color photos, colorful clipart with the different WH question words, and charts to show some variants of certain question words. Usually, I prefer to use all photos, but the clipart does a good job of showing the questions in action so I just went with it.

To get a copy of this social story, click the link below:

>> Click here to download the free social story


Need activities for teaching WH questions to kids with hyperlexia or autism? Try this free social story!